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I hope my devotions and poetry will uplift you and leave you refreshed after each visit.
I want this to be a place where you can get away from the busyness of life and focus on God for a few minutes.
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A Different Kind of Diet
I recently discovered A different kind of diet; I hope that when you read about it You will want to try it. It nourishes your spirit, Gives your face a special glow; It reaches deep into your soul So peace and joy will grow. Just …
Read MoreOur Conqueror
He was beaten beyond recognition Spat upon, mocked, and abused, Yet He never denied for one moment That He was “King of the Jews.” He had a job to accomplish… It was all a part of God’s plan. Had He chosen not to fulfill it, …
Read MoreA New Perspective
“Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise.” (Psalm 145:3, NIV) I had a good childhood. I knew that my father loved me, but unfortunately he never said, “I love you.” On the other hand, God, my Heavenly Father, tells me page after page …
Read MoreO Dear Heavenly Father
O Dear Heavenly Father, We come boldly to Your throne, Through the blood of Jesus By nothing of our own. For Jesus opened heaven’s door When He died on the cross, And three days later rose again So none need to be lost. How blessed …
Read MorePriorities
Read Philippians 2:5-11 In today’s society, people scramble to climb the corporate ladder. Ethics and morals are not always a priority. What matters most is status. Whether you step on someone to achieve your dream is not important. God does not have a problem with …
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