My Sovereign Guide
07-31-2015 | francesg

I am refreshed, dear Jesus,
By the little things you do.
You speak to me in different ways
But I always know it’s you.
Today I heard a serenade
When I awoke at dawn,
And I still felt your presence
After the songbirds had gone.
You often send me rainbows
When sun reflects on glass.
In troubling times, they speak to me,
“This too, my child, shall pass.”
Sometimes a word pops off the page
While spending time with you.
Your Word shines light upon my path;
Confirms what I’m to do.
You always know what’s best for me;
I trust your perfect plan.
I’m blessed that you’re my Sovereign Guide,
The Awesome, Great I AM.
(c)Frances Gregory Pasch
Published in my book, Double Vision: Seeing God in Everyday Life Through Devotions and Poetry
Thanks for stopping by. This is one of my favorite poems. Hope you enjoy it and will share it with others.
I am open to suggestions for my website. Would love to hear from you.
I had a devotion in The Secret Place in their fall issue and just had a poem in the winter issue. I also write for Pathways to God. I always suggest to writers that they publish short pieces before attempting a book. It not only gives you experience; it also adds to your credentials.
Have a blessed week.
Categories: christian poems, chrsitian writing, frances gregory pasch, inspirational verse, Poems Tags: Great I Am, Guide, Jesus, Sovereign