Make A Ministry Out Of Your Mess
01-24-2017 | francesg
Read 1 Peter 4:8-11 
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others.” 1 Peter 4:9
Several years ago, I heard a great message—“Make a Ministry Out of Your Mess.” When I first heard the title, my ears perked up.
Think about it. Instead of dwelling on things in our past that we are not happy with, let’s use the lessons we have learned from our mistakes and minister to others. Let’s use our God-given gifts. The list is very diversified. Which is yours? Hospitality, encouragement, teaching, leading, writing, singing, listening, mentoring, or consolation? Perhaps it is something different.
As we start the new year, let’s spend some time alone with the Lord. Let’s lay all of our concerns at His feet and ask him to guide our paths of ministry for the coming year. Let’s be available as vessels through whom God can work to change lives. It’s a challenging goal for the new year…one worth aiming for. Go for it!
I hope that 2017 is already off to a good start. I pray that each new day will bring you closer to God. A personal relationship with Him is the greatest gift we will ever receive.
I pray that God will open new and exciting doors for you to reach out to others.
Categories: christian devotional, chrsitian writing, Devotions, frances gregory pasch Tags: God, Ministry, Mistakes, New Year