A Vessel For God’s Use
Read: Galations 2:20-21
“Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
While arranging a bouquet of rust colored carnations in a crystal vase, I noticed that one of the stems was cracked and three tiny flowers were clinging to the section that broke off. I was going to discard them, but instead I placed the flowers in an empty plastic juice bottle that I rescued from the recycling bin. The bottle wasn’t very pretty, but once the flowers were in it, my eyes focused less on the container and more on the flowers.
The next day as I looked at the makeshift vase on my counter, a thought came to mind. For many years, I was like that average-looking plastic bottle—empty and waiting to be filled. Then my son told me about Jesus and His desire to have a personal relationship with me. When I asked Jesus into my life, I became a container for Him and felt blessed to be available for His use.
Just as I was more attracted to the flowers than to the plastic bottle, I pray that others will look beyond my outward appearance and be attracted to Christ living in me.
PRAYER: Thank you, Lord, that what matters to You is my heart. Amen.
Hi Everyone…I have missed posting on my website. It feels good to be back in touch. I hope you will stop by regularly. My purpose for writing is to uplift my readers and encourage each of you with my messages.
Look forward to hearing from you…Fran