My Blog


God So Loved the World

“The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah…I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line.” Jeremiah 33:14-15

Promises. Promises Promises. I make them all the time. “Let’s get together for dinner. I’ll call you soon.” “How about a movie?  I’ll be in touch.”

My intentions are good, but too often my promises go unfulfilled because I never  set a definite date.

Throughout the Bible, God made many promises. But unlike us, He keeps them. Plus His timing is always perfect. He promised Noah that the earth would never again be destroyed by a flood. He promised Sarah a baby when she was far past her childbearing years, and He also made promises to Abraham, Joshua, Jeremiah and many others.

But God’s greatest promise was that He would send us a Savior from the line of David. And true to His words, our Messiah was born. And through our Savior, we have God’s assurance of eternal life.

How blessed we are to have a God who always keeps His promises. He never says something that He does not plan to accomplish.

What about us? How faithful are we? Regardless of our history of keeping promises, let’s make it a point from now on to honor our word by following Jesus’ example.

PRAYER: Jesus, may others observe the way we live and come closer to You.

(c) Frances Gregory Pasch

     Glad you stopped by again. Keeping promises is not an easy job. I still slip up, but I am trying harder to follow through. I believe that people do watch to see how faithful we are to what we say. Keeping our commitments makes us more believable. Let’s make an effort to follow in Jesus’ steps.

     Have a blessed week……………….Fran