My Blog

Exercise Has Rewards

Read Proverbs 4: 20-22

Physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Men and women of all ages are going exercise crazy these days. There are gyms all over the country and all types of programs available. Some people enroll in a trial period, some sign up for a year, and others hire personal trainers. Some men and women even invest in their own equipment and exercise at home.

Despite all of the equipment and classes available, only a small percentage of people faithfully follow through with an exercise regimen. Most try exercising for a while, but quit when they don’t get immediate results. I am one of those. However, to achieve your fitness goal takes discipline. Those who expend the time and effort end up physically fit and more fulfilled.

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone flocked to Bible study with as much enthusiasm as they have for going to the gym! People forget that we are spirit too, and we need spiritual exercise. By spending time with the Lord, studying the Bible, and fellowshipping with other Christians, not only will our lives be richer, we will reap eternal rewards.

The most beneficial choice we can make is a balance of physical and spiritual exercise.

Prayer: Lord, remind me that my body is Your temple. Help me to treat it carefully both physically and spiritually. Amen.

Welcome again to my website. I hope you find my devotions and poems uplifting. That’s my main purpose for posting each week.

If you’re like me, I am sure you often get caught up in everyday things of the world which distract you from time with the Lord. To avoid this, I try to make sure that quiet time with God is a priority on my schedule. Spending time with Him keeps me focused on what is really most important.

I pray that this will be a week of personal blessings for you.                          Fran